Chic Models hopes that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year. As this crazy year comes to a close, we would love to introduce you to our December, Model of the Month. This month’s beauty comes to us from the South American city of Sete Lagoas, Brazil and her name is Isabella Rocha.
Isabella spent her early years moving back and forth between the US and Brazil until she landed in Colorado at the age of 12 or 13. When she started high school, she felt awkward about herself. She felt ugly. She wanted to look like the other people around her. Blonde hair, blue eyes…..She even tried straightening treatments in her hair to try and take away the texture. But it wasn’t until she and her friends were watching the VS Fashion Show and one of them pointed out that she looked like one of the models, Alessandra Ambrosio. All her friends agreed. At that point, she had never felt so beautiful. That is the moment that made her want to model. She wanted to follow in her footsteps. Isabella has been modeling for 4 years and she literally fell into it (she fell on the photographer in her very 1st photo-shoot.) But the shoot went well and once he posted the photos, many other photographers were calling and wanting to work with her. She was feeling more and more at home in front of the camera, which led to her first “big job” with Target. She finally felt comfortable in her own skin, so she decided to move to LA and see how it goes.
Since moving to LA she has been working hard and has booked many campaigns. Her biggest to date was for “Aerie” and that gig got her on a billboard in Time Square. WOW!!! Her friends are always calling, telling her they saw her ad for Prose Hair Care. Or the one for Pepper Bras. That never gets old. Isabella’s goal is to work more internationally and build a big enough platform where she can branch out into multiple avenues. She wants to create things, make people laugh, make people feel, and most importantly, incite change. We love that and wish you continued success.